Sometimes diet alone never works in bringing enough nutrients to your body. Synthetic nutrients have now taken the role of multivitamins essential for your body like fish oil for heart health. The science of synthetic and natural nutrients says that synthetic nutrients provide the same benefits as natural nutrients. Let's take an objective look at the risk of synthetic nutrients being dangerous and natural nutrients being beneficial. 

Natural vs Synthetic Vitamins

When the diet lacks sufficient vitamin sources and fails to fill the gap keeps the body confused about picking the vitamins. The difference between the different kinds of supplements marks the difference between the natural and synthetic vitamins. When you think of what you need to be healthy, the ideas that come to mind are natural food sources as well as synthetic supplements. Nutrient deficiency can be best fulfilled with the right nutritious meal which can be an extra count on minimizing the stress in the long run. To overcome underlying health issues and cope with energy concerns, the health supplements work well. 

Lacking vitamin content in the body is inherited from the food we take in and is best filled with health supplements. To get away from the confusion between when picking synthetic and natural whole-food vitamins, let's check out the difference between the two. 

  • The natural way of absorbing the nutrients from the food is best complemented with synthetic vitamins made from chemicals.
  • It is evident to expect health issues as it is difficult for the body to digest the synthetic vitamins. 
  • Natural vitamin sources are heavily condensed and concentrated from foods like fruits and vegetables.
  • The human body easily recognizes the natural vitamin sources. 

Now let's talk about the specific differences between synthetic and natural vitamins. This analysis would give you a basic idea of both as well together with a clearer picture.

Production and processing

They get absorbed into the body either through direct consumption or with the herbal supplements produced in the lab through the sterilization of the raw materials. 

The synthetic supplements are manufactured in the laboratory and the development process involved uses various chemical mixes. 


Natural vitamin sources like different kinds of food products offer a higher rate of absorbability and get used to the body more easily. 

Synthetic vitamin supplements and the human body do not hold a bioavailable connection. When it comes to Vitamin C, it is highly bioavailable without any distinction from synthetic or natural ones.

Risk factors

Natural vitamin sources render direct nutritional value to the human body and hold considerably lower risk factors as well. 

Synthetic supplements can cause serious health risks and overconsumption may even lead to death. 

Physical reactions

Natural vitamin sources or natural or herbal supplements put forward hardly or zero negative reactions on your body. 

Synthetic supplements are the pathway to create adverse reactions and effects. While being in a specific target to explain let's consider vitamin B2 in the synthetic form tends to contain bacteria, acetic acid and nitrogen as well which are very harmful for the human body. 

When deciding between natural and synthetic sources of health supplements, the advantages of organic ones can never be ignored. 

Choosing natural sources for nutrient support is a holistic approach and they lie on the heavier side of increased nutritional value, environmental sustainability, improved bioavailability and decreased risk of adverse effects. To ensure that the supplements you select are apt seek professional guidance and many times the natural sources may not be helpful for the body where the synthetic ones are the only option.